Monday 24 August 2015


 Br’nain’s on a new release Br’nain is here again this young talented artiste doesn’t look like he is relenting on his hard work (more grease to your elbow bro). Just few weeks back he was featured in a single called ‘jangulova” where he and Blackbones killed the song, not stopping there they did a cover of “Tecno’s anything”.
 Now this thou are back but they brought someone with them DJ xquistite on their latest single “she go cry” which dropped on the 21st of august this month, after getting a hint from Br’nain himself that he and Blackbones were featured in a single that just came out, I didn’t waste much time in downloading the song just to listen to it. I couldn’t stop blaring the song in my ears with my head phones, I was fleeing the beat, the chorus and their flows, all I could say was WOW these guys are working so hard and they are putting all their best to it. 
 Due to this I had to paste the link of the song here so you can download it and see what talent these guys are made of. You can download the song “she go cry” by clicking Here, please drop your comment.

1 comment:

  1. Your blog is shouting!! Too much red!! No paragraphs et al!! Does not make reading appealing...... Too much stress to sit down, gather myself together and try to decipher the message you are trying to put accross.... In-house cleaning is needed..... I come in peace..... LOL!! *sigh*
